We recently caught up with Roo Oxley aka missrooxley on Instagram where she describes herself as “just a casual girl who enjoys footy, drinks and terrace culture."

Thanks for joining us at Proper Football Roo, Let's start with you telling us a bit about yourself.
Ayup! Thanks for having me! This is weird being interviewed, normally I am the one asking questions and generally being a nosey bastard!

You have a book due for release fairly soon on Terrace Culture. What can we expect from it?
I have grown up within Stoke City’s terrace culture and have always been fascinated about the subculture that was so prevalent in our city. In the late nineties, there was such a heady mix, a perfect zeitgeist of music, fashion, culture and football that was intoxicating. I wrote about the symbolic consumption of Stoke on Trent’s terrace culture for my master’s degree a decade ago; my book picks up where that left off, but this time interviewing not just Stoke hoolies, but casuals across the UK and abroad, brand owners, and the key casual protagonist, about clobber today. The big question is if there even is a terrace culture today, why and how do we still wear terrace brands? Why do we feel affiliated with brands that have been diluted (Stone Island) if there is not arguably a terrace culture today? Answers are to be found as soon as the book is released!

Who's your team and how did you first start supporting them?
My team is Stoke City and was predetermined before even my birth. My family has always supported Stoke, even sponsoring the Victoria Ground years back. It’s a thankless task.

When and why did you first get into Casual culture?
I started going to the match in the late nineties, my first away game was Notts County and I remember being drawn to the mither and skirmishes all flourished in a sea of Burberry and Aquascutum. You either have it or you don’t and casuals just fucking have it.

How do you feel you fit im to a predominantly male scene?
I couldn’t give a fuck, I’m used to it. I also use it to my advantage haha. People describe hooligans and casuals as thugs, they’ve never been anything other than gentlemanly towards me. Except for those West Ham lads singing a specific song towards me when we played them 😉

In your opinion who/where did casual start?
I discuss this in my book, and it can be controversial with certain regions claiming it was they who started the casual scene.

Favourite piece of terrace attire?
My first piece of Stone Island which an ex-boyfriend brought me for my 18th, from Life in Manchester. A beautiful wheat chunky knit jumper that I would never ever sell. Aside from that, my knitted vintage CP Company jumper which verges on Navy Arctic territory in its aesthetic.

Least favourite trend you've witnessed on the terraces?
Every fucker wearing a Stone Island over shirt. Yawn. And the general lack of creativity, originality and one-upmanship which underpinned the whole casual ethos and identity.

Britain has seen many subcultures come and go, in your opinion what is it about the Casual movement that keeps it still going?
It is not going like it was in the golden age of terrace culture, yet there are people, me included, that will always have this affiliation with the casual subculture. It was arguably the last real subculture, and nothing has come close. Being casual is part of your identity, your style. And that, unlike fashion, never fades. Just like the Mods and Punks whose culture is intrinsic to their identity; it will always keep going. Nowhere near the same, but we can still remember the best times by representing ourselves in the casual way. All this is explored in my book…

In our opinion, music has always been an important part of Terrace Culture. What would be your favourite tunes for a match day?
Anything apart from the Eminem song ‘Lose Yourself’ Stoke play at the start of every game and have done for fucking years.

Do you have a favourite album/single of all time?
There are too many to choose from, really, but up there is Massive Attack’s Unfinished Sympathy, The Beatles’ I’m Only Sleeping, Oasis Slide Away, Rolling Stones’ Miss You, Liquid’s Sweet Harmony….it is impossible (and immoral!) to pick but one!
Favourite band/artist?
As above! Can’t choose!
Any bands/artist that you feel are part of Terrace Culture?
Music was integral to the casual scene. Pet Shop Boys brought Paninaro to the public attention, The Housemartins (Paul Heaton’s the one), Happy Mondays, Oasis…
On to a bit about the football.....sum up your team's season so far?
Predictably unpredictable!

Do you still attend games regularly?
I do, and love being in the Championship for the away games. Fuck the corporate yawn fests of Premier League matches.

Which club traditionally are your biggest rivals?
Port Vale as they are local but we’re always above them. We hate Vale. We hate most other clubs in fact.

A lot of fans have been drawn towards lower/non-league football recently. Anyone else you follow?
My team could be considered as lower league haha and of course not, You have one team and that’s it! None of this, ‘my second team is…’ Bollox. You’re born into one team and that’s it forever. How fortunate am I that mine is Stoke City 😉

Sum up Modern football in one sentence.
Thanks for taking the time to join us Roo and we wish you all the best with your book that's due to be released later this year!

You can follow Roo on Instagram here;
To register interest in her new book please email Roo here;