We had a little chat with the man behind Grand alliance clothing about the label, football & music among other things.
Hi, you're the owner of Grand Alliance Clothing. Tell us a bit about the back story behind how and why it all came about.
So, the back story of the birth of my brand starts from losing everything around the year 2015 when I was arrested for Violent Disorder with intent for a scrap in Brighton at the football, I was on bail for 2 years and the only reason they left it so long is because the euros were coming up and they knew all the lads involved on both sides were planning on going over to Marseille and it would only help their case on sending us down with footage of us messing around in France, so we went out there and I managed to make an appearance on crime stoppers and sky news, I thought I was fucked anyway so why not go let my hair down one last time. Anyway, when I got back I had to face a few home truths of; losing my job, my missus and face court weeks after my return. the Fuckers tried giving me 4 years, luckily, I got self-defence but the realisation of coming that close to losing a big chunk of life from football shook me up. So, at this time I had a bit of bad media against me, and no one would employ me for a while so i had to graft In a shit job and I thought, fuck this, I want to be my own boss so this can’t happen again, I started to build the brand straight after court and just put everything that I love into the idea, and here we are now.

I've been following your social media posts for a while, and I love the posts about British military history. Tell us about the idea behind it.
So, I’ve always loved and been interested in learning about history, not just British but all kinds, especially military history. My old man and grandad were bang into it. I remember watching old war films with my old man and there are moments of bravery that give you goosebumps, films like Zulu, the patriot, master and commander, and Braveheart. There is an abundance of beauty in British artwork and British history from here to the dark ages, it’s a history worth remembering and being proud of. We’re not making a political statement, but rather showcasing our history. My love for history breathes through the brand.
What are your hopes and dreams for Grand Alliance going forward?
To be honest mate it’s not about the money, I love my clothing and I love the casual culture, the first place I’ve felt I belong, just seeing proper bods wearing and loving my gear would be enough for me. But I know there’s potential to be a household name worldwide, I’ve got the vision to make this brand like the famous Aquascutum, I don’t want to be some terrace wear brand that throws out cringey football prints. I want to be a professional brand that keeps the quality high and customers and community happy with what I produce. It’s all about creating an identity that’s relevant to the people buying my clothes as long as it keeps true to the customers then I see us becoming a big name In menswear fashion.

When and why did you first get into Casual culture?
I fell in love with the casual culture after being one of those lost boys at school with a different taste in music, different interests, and dressed different. My dad was a mod back in the day and his music and Fred Perry polos influenced my own taste in music and clothing before football. while all the kids were listening to that rap and grime shite I was listening to indie bands, northern soul and 60s RnB. My dad took me to football and a Few lads who lived in my area that went to football with our local mob got introduced into the world of English casual culture and from the first game I was in love, the lads dressed smarter than anyone I’ve seen to date, it wasn’t just clothing, it was the attitude and personality to match the clothing I finally felt the sense of belonging. I was hooked. So, I dropped all the little wallys in my area who had a shit taste in music and clothing and became a football casual.
In your opinion who/where did casual start?
You know it’s one of them I’ve spoken to people up and down the country and know lads all over, and they’ve said before the scousers we’re robbing shops worldwide and bringing the gear back the movement was emerging and changing up and down Britain anyway regardless with new fashions emerging. Definitely an argument for the Mancs and scousers, leave them to it 🤣 Do you have a favourite clothing brand Apart from your own of course? 😉
Mate, for me it’s Aquascutum, Paul and shark and cp company. The old Paul and shark stuff was unreal, but I haven’t bought much of it over the last few years. Standard attire for me is Clark's wallabies/ dessert treks or kickers boots, Levi 511s navy, aqqy shirt or nice polo and big mig with a nice Ralphy cap, the English pig look I call it. 🤣
In our opinion the music has always been an important part of Terrace Culture. What would be your favourite tunes for a match day?
Music is life, always had a wide taste in music before football but when I started going with the proper boys I was introduced into some more bands and stuff I wouldn’t of before going to football. Now there’s some football lad anthems but for me it’s Milburn - Roll out the barrel. There's something magical about a 17-seater minibus when everyone’s singing with people standing up getting slung about with beer and gear flying about all over place, it’s fucking magical, the tunes being played are a necessity for any football day, other songs that get me buzzing are Jake bugg - lighting bolt. The lyrics are like the build-up of a proper away game leading up to a successful brawl. You’ve got to throw in stuff from the smith's, Arctic monkeys, the libertines, Courteeners, Jamie T, the list is endless.
Do you have a favourite album/single of all time?
For me I’ve always loved the view and the twang, they were bands I was introduced to when I first started going and they have a lot of songs that mean a lot to me and my friendship group. But it’s hard to say I’ve got one favourite album; I love Jamie T and the streets, the relevance to my generation is infused in their lyrics. The strokes got me hooked on indie music from a young age watching the music video to the song, last nite.
I'm also a massive soul fan. If you love music, you appreciate all kinds as long as it has relevance to your life. But grime is for tramps.
Favourite band/artist?
Could not pick one mate, but the jam, the who, the smiths, the strokes, Johnny cash, Elvis, Jamie t, the streets, the view, arctic monkeys, the clash, canned heat, Ray Charles, the animals, Kasabian, oasis, blur there all up there 🤣

On to a bit about football. Do you still attend games regularly?
Well, I’ve been banned 5 years after the riots in Marseille in 2016, I’ve been back to a few games but now with the business I can't risk being involved, I done palace away, got in my seat sat down for 3 minutes and left to go back to the pub 😂 I enjoy the away games and still try to go to as many games as Possible.
Any views on this year's World Cup in Qatar?
Yea mate, what a load of bollocks, look, fair play to the fans that travel and follow and support their country, the fan bases for country’s are community’s, it’s what they do, they shouldn't have to miss out just cos of the circumstances and corruption of a few scumbags, I salute them for travelling. but it's Just more magical having a beer in the summer watching your country play, those tournaments are supposed to bring your countrymen together, regardless of colour race etc, people that don’t even like football watch it and support their team, I love seeing that. I just think that the hosts are fucking backwards and don’t deserve to host the tournament which sole purpose is to bring people from different backgrounds together through football. Be typical if England win this one 😂😂
Sum up Modern football in one sentence.
Fucking pony!!
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