Adidas and Arsenal have launched the next chapter of their No More Red campaign, an initiative first launched in January 2022 to support the long-standing work being done by Arsenal in the Community to help keep young people safe from knife crime and youth violence.
Arsenal will wear the all-white kit at tonight's game against Oxford United in the 3rd of the FA Cup.

Although the number of teenagers killed as a result of violent youth crime dropped significantly in 2022 in comparison to 2021, there were 11,502 knife offenses recorded in London between January 2022 and November 2022, an increase compared with the corresponding period in 2021.
Both ourselves and Adidas remain steadfast in our long-term commitment to create safe spaces for young people to play sport in the capital, provide better access to trusted role models, and shine a light on talented individuals who are making a positive difference in their community.
Inspired by the impassioned response to last year’s launch, this year we are expanding No More Red; inviting members of the public to be part of the campaign by volunteering with one of our charity partners:
Arsenal in the Community
The Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation
Steel Warriors
Don’t Stab Your Future
Box Up Crime
Copenhagen Youth Project
St Giles Trust
Octopus Community Network
The Ben Kinsella Trust
Each person who volunteers with one of the above as part of the scheme can receive their own No More Red shirts and will be invited to watch us play at Emirates Stadium.
Each charity and organisation have 10 limited edition shirts to give volunteers, who each must donate their time to be eligible. Full details relating to how each participating charity is offering the shirts can be found on their respective websites, and